About Us imageAbout Us image
Our Mission
We aim to identify critical issues and work towards tangible and generational system change that will significantly benefit our Black community. We know that building constructive working relationships with the ability and freedom to be a critical voice when needed is vital to create change. Engagement with Authorities and Statutory Bodies is a solution to push forward these system changes, which is why we have joined the bodies listed below on behalf of our local black community.

  • Chair and Vice Chair of the West Yorkshire Police Independent Scrutiny and Advisory Group, Race, Inequalities Panel.
  • NHS Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group Community Voices/Engagement Champions.
  • NHS Planned Care Citizens’ Panel.
  • Huddersfield University Broadening the Archive Project.
  • Kirklees Council Community Champions.
  • Yorkshire and Humberside Criminal Prosecution Service Scrutiny Panel.
  • West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit Community Advisory Group.

We will help develop initiatives that drive towards increasing diversity and inclusion by working with other black-run organisations. These groups must share an ambition on improving how the black community is represented and treated while in contact with these bodies as they perform their statutory duties. If you have any suggestions or comments on the services provided by the bodies listed above, we would like to hear your views.

Our Vision
To ensure our views are authentic and in line with grassroots opinions gathered through our weekly FREE access online meetings. These events are a way for Pursuit of Happiness CIC to research before proposing a point of view on behalf of our Black community.  We are a welcoming and relaxed digital centre that all our community residents can attend.
Please click here to see our upcoming events on Eventbrite. Everyone will be free to speak on any topics, issues and other concerns they wish to express. Our voices are valid, our opinions matter and need to be heard.

We are currently funded and supported by Unite the Union, Kirklees Branch, which we are indeed most grateful for. Without their support we would not be able to provide our local children with the value of our Saturday Skills School. We also have our weekly Online Community Centre, which we have held for over 80 consecutive weeks.